Wiiflow download
Wiiflow download

wiiflow download

Banner animations can be full screen or mini banner preview.

wiiflow download

  • Can play custom made banners for GameCube and Plugin titles.
  • wiiflow download

    Plays included banner animations for Wii, Gamecube, and NAND titles.Copy savegames from real NAND to emu NAND.Option to use Neek2o v90+ to launch emu NAND channels.Launch classic emu games and movie files via WiiFlow's plugin system.Launch Channels from real NAND or emu NAND.Launch Wii and Gamecube games via retail disc.Launch GameCube games on SD or USB HDD via Nintendont or Devolution.Launch Wii games from SD or USB HDD formatted to FAT32, NTFS, EXT2, and WBFS.Compatible with hermes, waninkoko, and d2x cios, but d2x is highly recommended.Can Run via IOS58 with AHBProt disabled via the forwarder channel or HBC 1.08+ but cIOS is still needed to launch Wii and NAND games.A full 3d box, front to back coverflow interface.

    Wiiflow download